With the supply of our latest generation of Super Cone Fenders (SCN), including an integrated berthing system, we are delighted to support the develop [...]
Let's compare A and B. The future vs. the past. Rope-less automated mooring vs. traditional mooring. Metal and electricity vs. ropes, sweat, and stre [...]
Fender quality
Tg (Glass transition temperature) of NR (Natural Rubber) +SBR (Styrene butadiene rubber) based fenders is approximately -40 to -50 deg C. It simply me [...]
SmartPort Approach
Trelleborg and Active Solution are proudly opening up the Vietnam Marine Market in various of applications such as Petrochemical Complex Project ( Hy [...]
Congratulations to the Port of Tallinn ( Estonia)
Congratulations to the Port of Tallinn ( Estonia) on the automation of their mooring operations to facilitate faster, safer, more reliable and more su [...]
Trelleborg Smartport Training at PORTCOAST
Trelleborg-Smartport-Training-at-PORTCOAST [...]